Aysha A. y Ma Paula B.
シThe hippogriffs and phoenix
A phoenix is a mythical bird. this bird vis very special because when it dies, it becomes ash, and from the ash, it appeqars as a baby phoenix and like that in an infinite pattern. They are ussualy red and can have gold colors, along with purple. They can carry a lot of weight. The phoenix belongs to the greek mythology along with the griffin, centaur, and the basilisk. A phoenix is usually the size of an eagle. It can spit fire.
The Hippogriff, also, is a mythical creature. First, the griffin is the combination between a eagle and a lion, then comes the hipogriff that is the combination between a griffin and a horse. It symbolizes the uncontrolled impulses. According to the greek mythology, the hipogriff can be trained as mounts but only when they are young. when thery reach the adult age, more breeds shown to be domesticated. Finally, the hipogriff has only one power that is the Leonidas Force.
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