Lucia Arrieta Jara



  Today I am going to talk about the beautiful sport that is "Gymnastics". Gymnastics is a sport that help us to have more self-confidence. Improve health by being physically active and staying fit. Reducing the risk of heart disease and  diabetes in adulthood. It also contributes to perfecting people's bodies and their harmonious development. It also helps to the development of vitally important systems. Gymnastics aimed at strengthening and maintaining good physical shape through a set of established exercises.

  Gymnastics helps prevent muscle diseases. Reduces blood pressure. Reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It reduces the feeling of tiredness and generates a feeling of a higher level of energy. Improves resistance and physical condition, increasing functional capacity to perform other physical activities of daily life. Gymnastics increases bone strengthening and reduces the risk of injuries or disorders such as osteoporosis. In conclusion, Gymnastics are very good for our health.


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